Corporate Virtual Data

Corporate Virtual Data

Corporate virtual data refers to the data that companies share in a secure online environment. Documentation typically contains highly sensitive, business-critical information that is of great significance to the organization or the business sharing it. VDRs are utilized during M&A, due diligence, fundraising and other organizational events.

Life Sciences companies, such as pharmaceutical and biotech companies, have specific requirements for their online documents. They require a platform that is HIPAA compatible and FDA approved (business associates) and able to securely share documents among portfolio companies and auditors. VDRs provide these companies with an encrypted, secure pipeline that allows tracking of access to documents as well as downloads. The ability to set time limits for access is a way to protect privacy in this important area.

Due Diligence

In M&A, it is not unusual to disclose massive amounts of sensitive information to potential buyers. To make the process easier it is essential to have a platform that is simple to use and secure. VDRs can facilitate this and help to expedite the process of getting the transaction completed.


Startups and other businesses seeking to grow must frequently reveal confidential information to investors in order to secure funding. This can be a long process that requires the sifting through thousands of documents. Virtual data rooms make it easy for investors to look over the documents, ensuring an efficient and speedy process. This also increases competition between bidders and may even increase the price of selling a company.

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